Although ultimately a vaporizer, the Plus is the first device that serves as a mini dab nail rig in your pocket.
The Plus features an all ceramic coil-less chamber that contains no glues or exposed metals which means great taste is guaranteed.From loading to indulging in the finest essential oil concentrates, taking in the full flavor of the Plus is an unique experience to the Pro and most vaporizer pens in general.
The Plus chamber was designed for efficiency and strength, so stick to smaller loads for the optimal experience. We recommend loading the Plus with .2g or .3g at a time and refill per use.
The new Plus mouthpiece houses a removable ceramic loading tool with a convection cap known as the Dart. This addition also minimizes splash back and efficiently retains oil.
The Puffco Pro, like traditional vaporizer pens features a coil based system. Our Pro 2 is much like the original Pro with a smaller, more portable design and some updated features. The Pro 2 battery also features the addition of Sesh Mode, a feature previously exclusive to our Plus model battery.
Both the Puffco Pro & Plus are intended for use with essential oils only.
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