I am not getting any vapor from my Peak, what is going on?




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    Allan Crispo

    Can the peak be used for dry herb, and if so do I need a different atomizer?

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    I have a brand-new Puffco Plus and it produces very little vapor. Even on high mode. The thing heats up, but hardly any vapor is produced. The instructions and troubleshooting documentation is grossly uninformative.

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    B. Sommers

    Everyone that has had their Peak for a minute an has realized a dramatic reduction in vape smoke production, clean the two wires in the base of the atomizer and you'll be right back to Clouds! check this video. I took mine completely apart down to the heating element with the two wires. The problem is that the vapor fills all areas and then builds up. this permeates all areas of the atomizer INCLUDING THE HEATING ELEMENT LEADS. The build up over time(differentiates based on usage) will create a bad electrical connection thus not allowing the heating element to receive full intended voltage to heat to desired temp. Puffco sells "hot" elements on here but cleaning the wires with 90% alcohol will save you time and money. the $10 is nothing but days without dabs?? NFW! 


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    B. Sommers

    Video to clean leads and atomizer....


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